What is Margin Trading Facility (MTF)?


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Margin Trading Facility

MTF is like getting a loan from your stockbroker to buy more stocks than you could with just your own money. It’s a way to potentially make more money in the stock market, but it’s also riskier.

How Margin Trading Facility (mtf) Works:

First deposit: You fund your trading account with a portion of your personal funds.

Borrowing: In accordance with your deposit, your broker extends a further loan to you.

Purchasing power: With your current amount of money, you can purchase more stocks than before.

Collateral: The stocks you purchase act as the loan’s security.

Interest: On the amount borrowed, interest is paid to you.

Profit/Loss: The entire investment, not just your initial contribution, determines your gains or losses.


Let’s imagine you have $5,000 and wish to purchase shares of the XYZ Company at $100 each.

Absent MTF:

Fifty shares can be purchased for $5,000 รท $100 = 50 shares.

Using MTF:

Assuming a 50% margin need

You may now buy $10,000 worth of stocks with just $5,000.

One can purchase one hundred shares for $10,000 divided by $100.

Scenario : The stock drops to $80.

Absent MTF: $1,000 is the loss (100 – 80) x 50.
With MTF: $2,000 (plus interest) is the loss, or (100 – 80) times 100.

This example demonstrates how MTF can increase gains as well as losses. It’s crucial to keep in mind that regardless of how well your investments do, you are still accountable for paying back the borrowed money.

Keep On Mind

  • For a brief 365 days, MTF lets you borrow up to 50% of the total cash to buy stocks.
  • Gains or losses on stocks bought with MTFs could be higher than they would be with a regular transaction.
  • MTF Positions have to be promised by 7:00 PM on the same day on the CDSL website in compliance with regulatory regulations.
AdvantageDisadvantage (Risk)

Greater Profit Potential: Since you have access to more money to invest, you may be able to make more money with MTF.

But it’s crucial to keep in mind that there’s also a possibility of losing more.
Increased Losses chance: MTF has the capacity to increase earnings, but it also increases the chance of losing more money than you originally invested if the stock price drops.

Greater Buying Power:
An MTF allows you a larger amount of money to spend on stocks, enabling you to make larger purchases than you could with just your own funds.

This additional cash can increase your purchasing power.
Minimum Required Balance: A minimum amount needs to be kept in your trading account. Should your stock experience a decline or the minimum margin requirement rises, you will be required to make a deposit.

In order to properly manage these risks and optimise your investment chances, keep to these:

  • Keep up with indicators and trends in the market.
  • Spread out the risk in your portfolio by holding a variety of stocks.
  • Keep a watchful eye on your investments and verify the necessary balances on a regular basis.
  • Don’t take on more debt and make smart use of your funds.
  • Establish specified profit targets and loss limitations in your exit strategy.
  • The MTF Terms and Conditions should be carefully read and understood.

margin trading facility for option selling

Using Margin Trading Facility (MTF) for option selling can be an advanced strategy that requires careful consideration.


Increased Leverage: MTFs let you to sell more options than you could with your own capital, thereby increasing your profits if the market moves in your favour.

Flexibility: It allows you to take larger positions in the market, thus increasing income from premium collecting.


Higher Risk: Option selling is dangerous because losses might be theoretically endless if the market goes against you. MTF heightens this danger by raising the size of your investment.

Margin Calls: If the market swings against your position, you may be compelled to pay more funds to your account (margin call) or risk the broker liquidating your positions at a loss.

Interest Costs: You will be required to pay interest on borrowed funds, which may affect your overall profitability.

Complexity: Since MTF and option selling are both advanced trading strategies, combining them necessitates a thorough understanding of market dynamics and risk management.

Margin Trading Facility Good Or Bad?

Depending on its experience and the investor’s level of experience.


Increased Buying Power: MTF allows you to buy more stocks than you would with your own money, thereby increasing your profits if the market moves in your favour.

Opportunity to Capitalise: It allows you to capitalise on market possibilities rapidly, without having to wait for extra funds.


Risks are amplified: While MTF might maximise earnings, it also magnifies losses. If the market moves against you, you risk losing more than your initial investment.

Interest Costs: You must pay interest on borrowed funds, which can reduce your profits or raise your losses.

Margin Calls: If your account value falls below a specific threshold, the broker may compel you to deposit additional funds or sell assets at a loss in order to cover the loan.


With the Margin Trading Facility (MTF), investors might potentially increase their profits by borrowing money to purchase more stocks than they could with their own. It does, however, also carry a higher risk because losses may increase. The ideal candidates for MTF are seasoned investors who can properly manage their money and are aware of the hazards. Although MTF can increase returns and buying power, it must be used carefully to prevent large losses in value.

Frequently Asked Question About Margin Trading Facility(MTF)

Can I choose which stocks to buy with MTF?

Yes, however MTF is often available for an established list of equities allowed by the broker.

What happens if I can’t repay the margin loan?

If you can’t repay a margin loan, the brokerage may sell your securities to cover the debt. This could lead to significant losses, especially if the market is down. You may also be required to deposit additional funds to maintain the margin, and any shortfall could lead to further financial obligations.

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